Greetings and goodbyes

Saudações e despedidas

In the following pictures you can find the most common Portuguese phrases and their English and Romanian translation.

Let's start with greeting and saying goodbye.

Olá: As an English word "hello" with its shorter form "hi", also "olá" has its short version: "oi". Don't forget that "oi" is informal, therefore can be used only between friends and family.

Bom dia: The literal translation is"good day", however, this phrase is used in the meaning of "good morning". It can be used before 12 o'clock or until lunch time.

Boa tarde: You can use this expression to greet someone in the afternoon, usually until sunset.

Boa noite: Most people say "boa noite" after sunset or after dinner time, not sooner.


Portuguese language offers many ways how to say goodbye.

Firstly, you can use "Bom dia", "boa tarde" and "boa noite" as a greeting but also as a farewell expression- Goodbye!

Then there is one very nice and polite phrase:
Tenha um bom dia: Have a nice day.

Tchau: "Tchau", originally from italian "ciao", is an informal word used only to say goodbye, never as an initial greeting. Women can say its diminutive "tchauzinho".

In addition to these, there is a wide variety of expressions beginning with "Até":

Até já: See you very soon, in a few minutes
Até logo: See you soon, the same day, in a few hours. There is also "Até breve" which has the same meaning.
Até mais tarde: See you later
Até a próxima: See you next time
Até amanhã: See you tomorrow

The following expressions are related to days of the week:

Até segunda:  See you on Monday
Até terça
Até quarta
Até quinta
Até sexta
Até sábado
Até domingo

Até a próxima semana: See you next week. However, in Brasil they prefer to say "Até a semana que vem"

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